True the driver has no idea what is in the box but they do have certain information about the parcel on their ePoD (their scanner).

Would you refuse to sign and tell them it was supposed to come at a later date? Would signing then be dirtying your own hands? Would you feel remorseful? But what if you had to sign for it at the door and knew the delivery person could get in trouble for delivering it ahead of time. So I was just wondering what constitutes fair game to either of you? Is it just because you didnt have anything to do with the shipping or delivery process so its not your fault? In that sense even if someone gets in trouble you didnt dirty your own hands? It was the systems own fault.

And if they did ship too early that factory worker could be held responsible. But to them it would just be an outlier there would be no reason to make a formal complaint to the shipping company most notably because if that info became public they would indirectly be saying they broke street date unintentionally for potentially shipping too early. Amazon, walmart, target, wherever you shop online they should also get that confirmation. This turns a little more grey tho if you dont buy it from the square store. Resulting in losses for the delivery company. And if they notice it was delivered before street date they could very well call and complain and if this occurs enough times they could decide to not use that specific delivery service again. Obviously in our case no sane fan of kh would willingly call and complain that they got the game of their dreams too early however Square should also get a confirmation of delivery. Both cases the customer can call and complain to the delivery service. Or say you ordered a custom engagement ring/present for your SO and you had made plans for her/him to be out of the house at a certain time but it arrived too early. Say you were travelling and were shipping items to a different country and it arrived before you arrived. Items have a delivery window for a reason. Granted they werent tricked and may not be fired but they could still be reprimanded if their corporation isnt too lax. Why is that considered fair game? The fault could lay on the delivery driver for delivering an item ahead of schedule.